How To Make Money Online For Real

First up, applaud yourself for making your way here, for taking the initiative to want to look for ways to earn money. It is very likely that you already holding down a permanent job, but are looking for avenues to make the most of your extra time, to gain a little bit more ‘kaching-kaching’ to fund the hobbies you like or additional responsibilities in your household.

The good news is, we’ve got you covered. Here, we will be unveiling 16 ways to make money online.

Why Make Money Online?

Because it is easily accessible and you do not need to be present at a specific location to complete a task. All you have to do is to park yourself at a location that is connected to the internet. Earning extra money could be done at home, a cafe or even at a park.

Plus, the Internet is borderless – your location is not the limit. Your capabilities can get you projects from all around the world; from neighbouring countries to the beaches of Hawaii.

Also, before you jump the gun and think we are going to let you down by listing typical data entry or proofreading jobs that you can do online but gain very little income – no, we value your time.

Before dollar signs replace your irises, do note that this is not a method to get rich quick. It is a means to develop and sharpen other dormant skills you may have in your life and while earning extra money – online!

Plus, if this venture hits off – you’ll be making more bucks that what your current job is paying you!

So gear up, we are jumping in.


The Keyboard Is Mightier Than The Sword

The first section consists of making money online through means of writing. If you are in any way a wordsmith or a grammar Nazi, this may be ideal for you.

1. Good At Writing? Sell Your Writing Services

There a few ways you can do it, and it requires you to put yourself out there. Start by running a blog and pumping good content that you’ve written.


  • Via promotion on your blog.
    Write about the service you offer on the blog. Include your job scope and contact details.
  • Via social media.
    Change your Instagram to a business account and create a Facebook page for your business. Advertise as necessary.
  • Via third party sites.
    Open accounts at sites such as Freelance and Fiverr and post your writing services.

In your quotation, remember to include:

  • Job description
  • Estimated time to complete the task
  • Total revisions included
  • Deposit
  • Total cost

How much can I expect to be paid?

Anywhere between $10 to $1,000. For blog articles, web articles and the like, it can range between $ 25 to $500.

Some would prefer being paid by the number of words, but it may not be an identifier of an effective article – additional punctuations do not elevate any type of writing.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    No startup cost and flexibility
  • Con
    Online competition and irregular stream of income

2. Educate Through E-Books

Today, education is available at the tip of your fingers – therefore, take advantage of it.

Here’s how to earn via non-fiction, free ebooks:

  • Sign up to do affiliate linking – check out sites like AwinShareASale, and Max Bounty.
  • Select a topic or more and write in a systematic manner. Refer to other ebooks and be inspired.
  • Design the layout to appeal to readers and ensure the flow is easy on the eyes.
  • Send out your free e-books to your followers and subscribers.

For fiction and non-fiction, here’s how to sell your ebooks:

How much can I expect to be paid?

Depending on the quality of your e-book and it’s reach, you can gain from $1 to thousands of dollars as time passes.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    There is no time constraint to complete your ebook and can be a source of passive income.
  • Con
    Gaining revenue can be extremely slow if you are just starting out.

3. Use Your Legal Background To Your Advantage

We do not always pursue what we study, but make the past work for your future. Law students, make the most of your legal background by drafting contracts and other documents for law firms on a freelance basis.


Engage the previous law firm you were working for, approach other law firms or post your service on Simply Hired or find legal writing opportunities on UpWork.

How much can I expect to be paid?

Depending on the document, the average rate is $0.20 per word – this means that a document that has 1,000 words will earn you $200.

For a legal letter spanning three to four paragraphs with legal formalities, you can charge a rate starting from $100.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to earn once you have established a repertoire.
  • Con
    Inconsistent work with tight deadlines.

Provide Passports To The Future

Pour out your knowledge, coupled with creativity to teach,without being physically present. Teaching can encompass school based subjects like Mathematics or Chemistry to general hobbies or latest tech advancements.

4. Start An Online Tutoring Program

If you are a teacher in school and are looking to earn something more without opening up a physical class for tuition, you can be an online tutor. Sign up on platforms like Educators OverseasTutoring and Bibo Global.


  • Register on one or more of the platforms stated above.
  • Ensure you have proper documentation and certification for the subject you wish to teach.
  • Get all your documents approved.
  • Prepare well and engage your students during your online class.

How much can I expect to be paid?

It can range from $10 to $30 per hour of tutoring. Alternatively, opt to schedule your teaching sessions via Skype (sans platforms) and charge by the hour.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Convenient and simple to manage and conduct.
  • Con
    Possible connection issues and disconnection with student.

5. Create Online Courses

Leverage on the blossoming e-learning market. Online courses are extremely common now and subjects can range from gardening to evolution.


  • Be a professional in the subject matter.
  • Craft a curriculum that makes learning the subject interesting and engaging. Include documents, videos, quizzes, images and captivating activities.
  • Host your online course. Try UdemySkillshare or Thinkific.
  • Write an attractive headline to attract students.

How much can I expect to be paid?

It all depends on how good your course is. Most platforms take commissions (Udemy takes 50% and might reduce as your content gains more traction). You’ll generally be able to make between $400 to $1,000 in the first few months.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Possibility of earning passive income.
  • Con
    A lot of work has to be put in to craft and record lectures, draft documents and create a curriculum for your students.

Impart Your Art To The World

Got an eye for detail, art and handy with art creation tools? If that’s you, this is how you can earn money.

6. Create Digital Art – Be A Graphic Designer

If you are handy with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign, use it to your advantage.


  • Look up for freelance vacancies online. There is a continuous stream of opportunities you can grab on Facebook, FiverrIndeed and even on Flexjobs.
  • Get information from the client – objective, direction, font, colour schemes, mood board and etc.
  • Create and deliver. Allow for tweaks but do not allow them to change the direction of the image entirely without paying you a little extra.

How much can I expect to be paid?

You can charge an average of $30 per name card. For logos, layouts and marketing materials, it can range from $100 to $2,000 per project.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to find.
  • Con
    Time consuming if the client does not know exactly what they want.

7. Sell Your Craft

If you are a crafter and nimble with your fingers, extend your hobby into a money making business.


  • Are you good at crocheting, knitting, sewing or art and craft? Pick one and develop a product that is thematic and potentially useful.
  • Create a collection, or multiples of an item for a start.
  • Create a platform to sell your products. It can be on a personal blog, online shop via Shopify or third-party sites such as Etsy and ArtFire.

How much can I expect to be paid?

You put a price to your items after reviewing the cost of raw materials and time taken to make them. Some crafters earn from $25 to thousands of dollars a month depending on how established they are.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Turning a non-paying hobby into one that makes money.
  • Con
    Profit making may be slow and time consuming.

8. Create Casual Mobile Games

A crafter and a mobile game enthusiast? This passion can earn you big bucks.


  • Try your hand at different video game software available in the market. There is BuildboxStencyl and Snappy. Do note that for Buildbox and Snappy, you will have to purchase the application first before you start. As for Stencyl, you are able to use it free but you won’t be able to publish it.
  • Once you are familiar with the tools, build the story and objective. The best games are simple yet addictive.
  • Do a test run with people who are avid games and tweak accordingly.
  • Base rewards by getting players to watch advertisements or selling interstitial banners.
  • Publish your game and market it to get more game downloads.

How much can I expect to be paid?

You could be rich if successful. Some earn from $250 to $25,000 a month depending on how many views the adverts on your game get. Hence, the more people play your game, the faster and more you earn.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Passive income that pays in many folds if the game gets picked up by the masses.
  • Con
    It may take a long time to create and test the game.

9. Stock Photography

If you’ve got an eye on what makes a good photo and able to enhance them via editing then you should be selling your photos.


How much can I expect to be paid?

Anywhere between $2.50 to $1,000 a month – it all depends on how many people purchase your photos.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to generate, edit and upload, passive income.
  • Con
    A lot of online competition. Takes time to build a portfolio.

10. Stock Videography

The cousin to stock photography is stock videography, same thing but different direction and a little more effort.


  • Decide the type of footage you want to take. It is often short clips with a certain feature.
  • Sign up for an account with platforms that connect you with video buyers. Try Pond5ShutterstockFilmsupply, and VideoBlocks.
  • Upload your videos and continue building your portfolio.

How much can I expect to be paid?

Anywhere between $50 to $10,000 a month – it all depends on how many people purchase your videos.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Pays higher than stock photography. Passive income.
  • Con
    A lot of effort to make these videos and it also takes time to build a portfolio.

Benefits Of Being A Social Media Butterfly

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest – if you are actively on each platform this list may be for you.

11. Start YouTubing

Not vlogging per se but starting a YouTube channel with quality content. If you are skilled or have insight on some topics and carry a charismatic personality, be sure to start YouTubing!


  • Choose the type of content you want to communicate to your audience. If it is about finance, to plot out your topics in a timeline so you will always have something to share in your videos.
  • Get your script ready and shoot your video.
  • Edit the video to ensure it is not too long and cut out unnecessary elements. Add subtitles or animation if needed for viewer enjoyment
  • Post your video and share it.

How much can I expect to be paid?

Do not expect to get rich quick like famous vloggers. It might take awhile before you receive a cheque from YouTube amounting $100. However, persevere in growing your subscribers.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to start and once it hits a certain threshold, you might be earning passive income.
  • Con
    Time consuming and requires you to keep learning about the general advancement of video recording and editing.

12. Establish A Niche Podcast

Similar to blogging and YouTubing, creating a podcast is a chip off the old block – just that it only requires your voice.


  • Choose the type of content you want to communicate to your audience. You are free to create a series based on one topic and plot it strategically. For example, if you will be sharing about healthy living, be sure to be precise and communicate it in a clear voice.
  • Record your podcast.
  • Post it on a platform – try Spotify.

How much can I expect to be paid?

This platform is not lucrative at the start, but if your podcasts are of quality, you will slowly gain a following. With this following you can actually approach companies that do businesses related to your content to sponsor your podcast that can span from $100 to $800, depending on your asking price, topic relevance or total listens.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to start and upload.
  • Con
    A lot of patience is needed to grow your following before you can approach for sponsors.

13. Sell Social Media Management Services

Many companies today know the importance of social media – this is where you can step in to provide your social media management services.


  • Approach your potential clients and provide them with a breakdown on what you can do to increase social media content and engagement.
  • Provide ways to start campaigns, postings and branding for their company via social media such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • Plan and schedule posts according to the needs of the client.

How much can I expect to be paid?

You can expect a payment of $100 to $5,000 depending on how much you take on. Be educated on how social media works, increase engagement and know how to decipher statistics produced by the social media platforms.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Expect a stable income every month, depending on your contract with the client.
  • Con
    It can be time consuming as you will have to schedule, brainstorm and work out ways to educate on social media algorithms that change often.

14. Be A Social Media Influencer

Mention social media influencer and one thinks of free food and free trips sponsored by the client. The good thing is, you do not need to have 100k followers on social media to be qualified. Now, micro-influencers are emerging and they consist of accounts who have a few thousand quality followers.


  • Register for a program or approach companies if you believe you have the power to market and item or service through your personal brand. Try Global Influencer Agency or Leaders.
  • Once linked, you will either look into ways to share their brand using your social media platform. It may be a brand shoutout to video edits.
  • Remember to adhere to the contract with your client and ensure you fulfill them on your social media page.

How much can I expect to be paid?

You may be paid via product sponsorship to projects worth more than $5,000.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Flexibility, great perks and a growing following.
  • Con
    Difficult to separate your private life from work. More often than not, the more exciting or dramatic your life is, the more followers you gain.

15. Social Media Motion Designer

Having videos on social media is a little different from just recording videos and editing. It’s making still pictures move and creating engaging animation in a limited timeframe – to sell.


  • Check out sites like Freelancer or Guru to apply.
  • Get specific details and goals from clients.
  • Storyboard and create motion videos for Facebook or Instagram story or feed.

How much can I expect to be paid?

$100 to $1,500 – depending on the task and the amount of designs needed.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Flexibility, it all can be done via software on the computer.
  • Con
    Continuous updates on new features on social media and effectiveness is dependent on public engagement.

16. Sell Products On Your Blog Or Website

Blogs and vlogs is an engaging avenue to express your thoughts and ideas. It also can earn you money if you sell items that relate to your audience.


  • Based on your content, sell items that are linked to it. If you are a fashion blogger, you can set up a blog shop that sells clothes and accessories.
  • Buy items in bulk online as they come in packs of 6s or 10s and in various sizes. Opt to sell merchandise if you have a large fan base.
  • Add a payment option on your blog or website so you will be able to receive orders and payments.
  • Mail items accordingly, as promised on your site.

How much can I expect to be paid?

Expect to earn more if you have a large following or provide items that will benefit your audience. With enough loyal fans you can attract a stream of buyers once the product is released for sale. Expect to earn $100 to $5,000 upon product release.

Pro & con

  • Pro
    Easy to set up and promote.
  • Con
    Only likely to gain more if there is a blog or social media following before product launching.

Wrap Up

There you have it, a list of 16 hustles you can take on that will not just bring in some petty cash but an investment for bigger things to come. It is important that whatever you do, banks in to the future.

Sure, you can opt to take surveys or do data entry but what good is there in the long run for self advancement – not to mention the amount of money you will get after accumulating the time spent doing this mundane work.

Let your freelance jobs put more than money into your bank account, but bank into your work experience, just like an investment. If you invest in good work, you reap the harvest that multiplies.

Once you’ve gotten a taste for making money online, you will realise that it is actually quite lucrative if you do it right. You might want to move on to starting your own online business – hence, we’ve got the perfect article that expounds on the many ways you can do so right here.

In the meantime, do tell us, what is the next project you are starting on?

How To Make Money Online For Real How To Make Money Online For Real Reviewed by Axact Technologies on December 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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